Posts Tagged ‘cupboard’

New Store Opens! The Grungy Cupboard

I decided to blog today on a new store that is special to me. The Grungy Cupboard-this store is ran by my Mom, Linda. She has worked hard over the past 6 months or more creating primitive dolls, rag quilt runners, aprons, bonnets & more. I don’t think she realized when she started that this is where it would lead-but here she is with a newly designed web site.

The actual cupboard in the graphics was done by Eva from Primlicious ( but I took that cupboard and built a web site reflecting what I felt my Mom’s likes were all about. She of course had a hand in what felt right or looked right, and what we came up with is what is now The Grungy Cupboard .

There you will find “old time” items from yesteryear. The focus is things you might find in your cupboard or what we like to put on our grungy cupboard. Primitive is about “old” things from a more primitive time.

You can purchase dolls at just about any store-but what makes these dolls unique is their “simpler” time look. The aged homespun & calicos, the worn holes, the “grunged” appearance.

So if you have some time-stop on in to and we are sure you will find just the right item you have been looking for.