Archive for January 5th, 2009

2009 Here We Come!

I have to admit I have dreaded today~all weekend. The kids going back to school, the schedule, the busy-ness. But then it occurred to me, if time didn’t move then where would we be? Stuck. I don’t know about you but I know that half the dreading was in my head. Once I get myself up, ready and out the door I realize the dreading wasn’t worth it. I play that “game” in my head. Positive thoughts, Positive thoughts, then a negative thought comes in and destroys it. Well I have decided that I am going to embrace each day~feel appreciative of what I do have and try to concentrate less on what I don’t have.
Take for instance our washer & dryer. It came with the house, no one knows how long it will last us. I thought for sure New Years Eve day I had over loaded the washer and it was gone forever. But it wasn’t thankfully. Then a few days later we ran out of propane. But they came and filled it so I was back in business this weekend. How Thankful I am for clean clothes. It sounds small when there are larger things, but heck, clean clothes are a major deal. Especially with 3 kids. So I am Thankful for each load I put in dirty, and each one that comes out dry and clean….its the little things we take for granted in life that we need to be Thankful for. So yes today I am Thankful for my clean clothes, my healthy kids, my warm home and a loving husband. I am Thankful that I have been given another day~and I look forward to 2009 for all it has to offer. BIG and small.
What are you Thankful for today? How have you been blessed? Even the smallest thing as clean laundry is something to rejoice about. Have a great day and just try and be Thankful!